Student Senate


Tyler Fransen, Staff Writer

As a result of Sunday’s colossal snowstorm, Student Senate did not have the proper quorum to vote on any pertinent matters.

The meeting only lasted a half-hour, to discuss everything that had previously been covered. Those attending were witnesses to a rather anti-climactic meeting compared to the last one, when the President and Vice-President resigned.

Newly appointed President Nathan Boggess held his first meeting before a total of 11 Senators, including himself. This was too low a number to have any kind of vote on any issue.

Working with what they had, Senate made its usual announcements pertaining to Casino Night, plans for an additional sand volleyball court, as well as rebuilding the rest of the committees and getting ready for the next election cycle.

Senate will reconvene next week to prepare for Casino Night on Feb. 10, go over decorations, learn how to deal blackjack and finalize any other pressing details. The attire is formal and the theme is “A Black Tie Affair.”

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be Feb. 15 and will most likely focus on upcoming elections and committee openings.