Organization spotlight: Trio Student Support Services

Kathryn Vlaanderen, News Editor

According to the WSC website, “Trio Student Support Services (SSS) is a student success program that provides personal and academic support for first generation college students, students from low-income families and student with disability.”   

In order to apply for the Trio program, students need to be accepted to WSC and fill out a Trio application that is provided on the college’s website along with a financial aid agreement. Students who have a diagnosed disability would have to produce a combination of additional documents such as an Individualized Educational Program (IEP) from their current high school.  

After being accepted into Trio, each new student is assigned an academic advisor who would help develop a college success plan that includes student life, goals for college years and periodic meetings with their advisor.  

“Being in Trio is pretty cool because you have everything at your fingertips especially when you need advice or help with your homework,” Tiffany Toth, a WSC Trio member, said. 

The Trio program not only prepares its members for a successful career but offers a nurturing environment to incoming freshman to meet friends through its variety of different programs including Trio Bridge, an optional five-day program that simulates an average week at WSC to its new Trio students or through its own Trio scholars’ floor, situated in Berry Hall.  

Some things that I have enjoyed about the TRIO program are that they are there to help you with anything you need, whether its homework or just to talk about school,” Toth said. 

According to the WSC website the Trio Scholars floor at WSC provides an encouraging home base for students to not only find those who share similar experiences and goals but participate in a variety of different activities such as study hours and social activities.  

One of the most rewarding things about being a part of Trio is the variety of different recognitions and honors that celebrate the academic achievements that each Trio student has accomplished during their college years. Some of these unique honors are Theta Eta Sigma, the Trio Scholars Honor Society, Freshman Convocation and a graduate celebration at the end of the student’s college years. 

As a Trio student myself, I can say that programs like the Trio Student Support Services provide a unique experience for those students who need extra support when it comes to their college goals. As a student with a disability, I was very nervous when I came to the college campus. Now as I sit back and reflect on the program as a senior, I am adamant that I wouldn’t be as involved in campus and academics as I am today, which makes college an all-new experience.