The newest member of the family


Justin Yost, Staff Writer

I took a big step in my life this week. I got a puppy on Monday.

If you know me, you know this is a big step for me. My roommate has cats, but you don’t really have to do much with them. They are very independent. Owning a dog is a different story, and comes with a lot of responsibility. I already have a lot of anxiety, and the thought of having to care for another living thing scared the crap out of me.

It all started on Saturday while I was scrolling through Twitter. My friend Stu tweeted out a picture of a little chocolate lab husky mix puppy asking for someone to adopt him. I sent the tweet to my roommates and one of them told me the puppy was part of one of his friend’s litters. I knew right then it was meant to be. Logan messaged his friend and asked how many more they had to sell.

They said they had just made an agreement to hold the last one for somebody else. My heart was broken. I got my hopes up for him then they all came tumbling down.

On Sunday Logan got a call, and when he hung up he looked at me and smiled. Someone had dropped out and decided not to adopt. I spent the rest of my Sunday making plans, cleaning my house and going out to get everything I would need for him when he got here. They said he would drop him off on Monday.

I thought I was prepared and had everything he would need, but when I got home I was still very underprepared. I forgot to get him bowls for food and water, forgot to get him treats and forgot to get him a leash.

I’m really bad at coming up with names, so we spent the rest of Sunday coming up with name ideas. My roommates wanted to call him Todd. When I said no they told me they would just call him Todd when I’m not around so he would think that was his name.

If you get nothing else from this column please take away that you should never name your dog Todd. My friend texted me when she heard about the puppy and gave me a bunch of name ideas. Once I saw name Jax it was over.

Finally the day was here. My little guy was coming home.

We woke up early waiting for him to get there, but had to wait until three that afternoon before he would finally arrive. I raced outside like a little kid on Christmas when I heard the car door close.

We got him inside and he has been the perfect dog. Other than going to the bathroom all over my carpet he has been great. He hasn’t even barked yet, but that’s sure to change.

No matter how scared you are to do something whether that be get a dog or anything else don’t let that stop you. You won’t regret it.