Snow, snow go away

Justin Yost, Editorial Writer

God, I hate winter.

I hate everything about it. There is nothing good about being cold all the time. It started snowing the last couple of days and I could not be in a worse mood for it. I feel like I live in Winterfell and all I hear from the Starks is, “Winter is coming.” My mood doesn’t get any better when my friend from high school, who lives in Phoenix, sends me Snapchats of him in class with the door open because it’s so nice out. Meanwhile my roommates and I are poor and keep the heater off to save money. So we sit in the living room in wool socks, sweat-pants, sweatshirts, a stocking cap and wrap ourselves in blankets to keep warm. Yes, being cold in this case is our fault, but we are poor and don’t want to give up any more of our money than we already have to winter.

Most of my money disappears during the winter months. Being the adult I am supposed to be now, I guess I should probably start buying gifts for my loved ones. I don’t want to complain about buying gifts and I love receiving gifts because that is selfish, but I kind of am. It’s hard being a broke college student.

I go through daily struggles when winter decides to bring its ugly face to the party. Standing next to your car as snow or sleet pelt your face feeling like hundreds of little cuts. Getting out of your warm bed in the mornings knowing how cold it is going to be when you finally lift those covers. Getting that little feeling of satisfaction and relief when it looks beautiful and sunny out, only to open the door and realize it is still colder than my ex’s heart. The stress of having to put multiple layers on to get to class knowing the campus buildings turn the heat up way too far and you are going to sweat once you get there. This dominos into having to go back out into the cold in sweaty wet clothes. Which helps lead into the worst struggle of all during the winter months: knowing you are going to be sick throughout all of it. Stuffy nose, chapped or cracked lips and a sore throat until the days of spring that seem so far away.

Living off campus is the absolute worst. Being the baby I am I hate walking to campus for classes. I live three blocks from campus, and I feel like a popsicle by the time I reach my class. Those who live in Wayne know just how windy it is here, which only adds to my dislike of winter.

For those of you who feel the need to send out Snapchats or post on social media that it’s snowing outside you can stop. I have eyes that work. We can all see that it’s snowing out we don’t need you to tell us. People who love winter and insist that you love winter too make me sick. I’m glad you like hot cocoa and making snowmen, but I hate hot cocoa, so I’ll take a margarita sitting on a beach somewhere.

When my uncle, who lives in Huntington Beach, sent me pictures of him and his family spending Christmas on the beach I knew that is where I wanted to go. I want to move to California to get away from the seasons. There is only one good season, and that is the one that is 70 degrees and sunny at all times. I know it won’t be sunny and 70 all the time, but that part of California is the closest I have experienced.