Policy unchanged despite federal changes

Nathan Neary, Staff Writer

The chancellor of the Nebraska State College System, Stan Carpenter, issued a statement via email to the entire State College System community regarding the Trump administration’s reversal on federal protections given to transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice.
“… please be aware that the Nebraska State College System’s policies remain unchanged and expressely prohibit unlawful harassment or discrimination based on sexual orientation or identity. Violations of this policy will be taken seriously and could result in disciplinary action,” Carpenter wrote.
Wayne State College President Marysz Rames fully supports Carpenter’s decision.
“I absolutely support his stance,” Rames said.
States now have the power to implement any policy regarding transgender bathroom use as they see fit. Conservative states such as Texas have already put legislation forward restricting bathroom choice to transgender students.
“The action taken today by the Trump administration is encouraging, and my office is evaluating what impact it might bear on our ongoing litigation,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said in an interview with Fortune.com.
“I think he (Trump) is undoing pretty much everything good the Obama administration has done,” Wayne State College student Jerome Moeller said.
Civil rights activists, such as the American Civil Liberties Union, vow to fight the Trump administration over transgender student rights.