The land where elephants roam

Anna Cole, Staff Writer

WSC professor of economics Meena Dalal shared with students and faculty last Wednesday, her experiences in Africa.

Dalal heard about this trip from a friend of hers named Jane, who went on the trip three years earlier during the dry season.

The dry season in Africa is more popular for tourism because there is a bigger chance of seeing more animals, Dalal explained.

“I went during the wet season, but I do not regret that because it was so lush and green,” she said.

Dalal showed pictures of animals that she had taken at the various national parks and explained the constant struggle of poaching in these areas. She also talked about the new conflict with too many elephants coming into villages and causing problems.

“Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park have huge herds of elephants now, 50,000 plus, and they are spilling over into the villages, using up water supply,” Dalal said.

While in Africa, Dalal saw, a villager wearing a Nebraska T-shirt, and described to the audience how a Nebraska T-shirt ends up in an African village.

“Journey is a multi-interdisciplinary study, so I study more of these countries when I come back,” She said.

Dalal went on to explain the current economic problems that people in Zimbabwe are currently facing in the new absence of commercial farming. The country is now facing extreme inflation.

During the presentation Dalal also shared some facts about her many souvenirs that were displayed on the table in front of her.

“It was an excellent opportunity,” Dalal said. “I have never been to Africa.”