Honors projects

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Rachel Knox, Staff Writer

The Fall 2017 Honors Colloquium Presentations are taking place in Connell Hall this week, where honor students will be presenting their research projects to the campus audience.

Although the presentations will continue today and Friday, four students have already presented their research.

“The presentations have been superb,” said Deborah Whitt, chair of the Communication Arts Department and director of the honors program.

The WSC honors program is designed to allow students to take their education to the next level by taking on research projects that they will spend the next year preparing.

“These presentations represent the best of our academic programs,” said Whitt.

The Wayne State honors program seeks to nurture existing talent by offering opportunities for students to do more than their required work for classes.

“The students spend a year developing their honors paper,” said Whitt. “The public presentation is the culmination of that work.”

While many students choose to participate in the honors program to increase their knowledge about a subject, it is a way to enhance their planning skills inside and outside the classroom.

“The honor students receive a grade from their faculty adviser on the project,” said Whitt.

Senior Honors Colloquium Presentations continue today and Friday in Connell Hall from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.