Sunday Dreams: Progression is key

Photo courtesy of J’Ron Erby

J’Ron Erby continues to prepare for football after college by training vigorously on a beach, doing various running and strength drills.

J'Ron Erby, Assistant Sports Editor

There’s a beauty in progression. The realization that you aren’t exactly where you want to be but you are constantly moving in the right direction. Many are often stagnant, even when it comes to something they are passionate about or something they say they want to excel at. I’ve personally never understood that.

The world literally is at your fingertips. If you truly want something, it just takes the will to go get it. You can’t just say you want it, and show no proof. That occurs Staterevery day, people say they want to achieve something, but don’t put in the time daily to achieve it. Then they have the audacity to be upset. The way I see it, if you know deep down you could be doing more to achieve what you want to achieve, if it doesn’t work out, the only person you can be upset with is yourself.

Everyone knows those “what if” people. I would hate to look back on my life and constantly think “what if,” I’m sure that question plagues people throughout life.

Imagine if you strived for more, and went the extra mile and had no room for the “what if,” What if your “what if” was non-existent. That’s what I try to do. It’s not easy but when you notice the progress you continually make towards that goal, it is an exhilarating feeling.

Last Sunday, I was fortunate enough to have a tryout with a CFL team, about 50 or so athletes in attendance. Afterward, a couple coaches that talked to my agent said I performed well. But to me, that doesn’t mean squat (I would prefer to use a different s-word).

I wasn’t there for a compliment or two, I was there for a check. So I didn’t think much of it, but a few days later I received a call from my agent saying they invited me to their play-in day in Flordia. Obviously, I then began to feel like a kid in a candy store.

Depending on my performance there, I have a chance to be invited to their mini-camp where I will then have a chance to make the team. Nothing guaranteed, no check with my name on it, no helmet, no jersey with the last name Erby on it.

But the progress feels great. My mother used to tell me all good things take time.
This life is like a marathon, it’s not a sprint. Progress must continually be made, the marathon always continues.

You have to start somewhere, you have to continue to have goals and check them off and come up with new ones once the old goals have been accomplished.

That is how dreams come true.