A day of music in Ramsey
Around 300 middle school and high school students from all over the state came to WSC Saturday for the annual Festival of Honor Bands. They were separated into three bands, the Middle School Band, the Symphonic Band and the Wind Ensemble. The concert was moved up to 2:30 p.m. due to the weather. The bands were conducted by Mrs. Pat Sedivy, Mr. Brad Weber and Dr. Dave Bohnert respectively.
Pat Sedivy conducts the middle school honor band for five songs on Saturday afternoon. Sedivy is a Graduate of Wayne State College and is in her thirty-sixth year of teaching instrumental music.
Brad Weber conducts the Symphonic Honor Band on Saturday afternoon. Weber has been and active music instructor since 1977. He recently received the Nebraska Music Educators Association “35 Year Career Teacher Recognition Award”.
David Bohnert conducts the Wind Ensemble Honor Band on Saturday afternoon. Bohnert is the Professor of Music and Director of Bands at Wayne State College, where in 2009 he was selected for the State National Bank Teaching Award.
Around 300 middle school and high school students from all over the state came to WSC Saturday for the annual Festival of Honor Bands. They were separated into three bands, the Middle School Band, the Symphonic Band and the Wind Ensemble. The concert was moved up to 2:30 p.m. due to the weather. The bands were conducted by Mrs. Pat Sedivy, Mr. Brad Weber and Dr. Dave Bohnert respectively.
February 4, 2015
- "35 Year Career Teacher Recognition Award"
- Brad Weber
- Dave Bohnert
- Festival of Honor Bands
- Honor Band
- Kurtis Mliner
- Middle School Band
- NE
- Neb.
- Nebraska
- Nebraska Music Educators Association
- Pat Sedivy
- Professor of Music and Director of Bands
- Ramsey Theater
- State National Bank Teaching Award
- Symphonic Band
- The Wayne Stater
- Wayne
- Wayne State College
- Wayne State Wildcats
- Wind Ensemble