Another year, another statue
WEOPA rents a new work of art for campus viewing
Joyce Trevett
WEOPA rented a statue made by Omaha artist Les Bruning. It was placed in the plaza near Neihardt Hall.
September 15, 2016
A new art piece is on campus this year thanks to the Wayne Educational Office Professionals Association (WEOPA). It is a piece from Omaha artist Les Bruning.
“Every year, the college contracts to rent statues to be placed on campus for a year,” WEOPA President Joyce Trevett said. “This particular statue was one we contracted for this year. It was placed over on a new art pad in the WEOPA Plaza near Neihardt Hall. The WEOPA funds were raised by our group and used for this project and over the summer we contracted with the Christiansen Construction Company to have that done.”
Bruning has been actively creating bronze sculptures for almost 50 years. Most of his work can be seen throughout the Midwest, specifically in Nebraska. He uses a bronze casting method to create his statues and sculptures.
However, there hasn’t always been such a strong creative presence on campus.
“There wasn’t a lot of statuary on campus when I attended, but it is encouraging to hear that is changing,” Wayne State alumna Kelsey Koch said. “I think it adds to the cultural environment and is actually quite calming if you are studying outside.
It lets students contribute to the community if they help create it,” Koch said.
Bruning’s sculpture is located next to the fountain on the west side of campus, near Neihardt Hall. It will be on the Wayne State College campus until May.
“We put this pad up so we can display artwork from students or other artists,” said Trevett. “Preferably, we’d like to see student artwork be placed there, eventually.”