Dustin Lynch scheduled to perform this spring

WSC to host first spring concert in four years

Photo courtesy of country104.com

Dustin Lynch to perform at spring concert

Lauren Davis, Staff Writer

Country artist Dustin Lynch has been selected by the Student Activities Board to perform at WSC’s first spring concert in four years.

The appearance by Lynch, who will go on stage at 9 p.m. on Friday night, April 17, at Rice Auditorium, will mark the first spring concert since 2011, when the band Boys like Girls played.

Doors will open at 7 p.m., and John King will open the concert at 8. Tickets will be available on March 16 at the Student Union’s Information Desk. Students will be permitted one ticket per WSC ID.

According to SAB advisor Sarah Gunion, S.A.B will pay between $60,000 and $70,000 for the concert.

“We hadn’t done a spring concert in a few years due to full time staffing issues. I started in July, and the position I came into had been vacant for about a year and a half,” Gunion said.

S.A.B members are excited about getting the concert back.

“S.A.B has a new advisor and she has completely rebuilt the whole program from scratch,” SAB member Sydney Wiggle said. “Sarah has done a great job at getting the spring concert up and going again.”

Asia Berg is also a member of SAB and is in charge of the spring concert.

“I’m excited for the concert because it has almost been four years since we have had one. Everyone seems excited to be having one again and is anticipating it to be good,” Berg said.

S.A.B will also be looking for volunteers to help set up and work on security the day of the concert. Students can contact Gunion for more information at 402-375-7163.