Casino Night: A Black Tie Affair
Abby Stewart, Amber Hoss and Mirrya McPhillips take a hit on their Blackjack hands to take down the dealer.
Abigail Plihal, Alex Ambriz, Carlena Forman and Michaela Rystrom show off their collection of tickets, trying to hit the jackpot by winning an Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and more.
Justin Aaberg mans the Roulette Wheel for a group of people trying to gain as many tickets as possible.
Abby Stewart, Amber Hoss and Mirrya McPhillips take a hit on their Blackjack hands to take down the dealer.
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February 11, 2015
- 2015
- A Black Tie Affair
- Abby Stewart
- Abigail Pihal
- Alex Ambriz
- Amber Hoss
- Blackjack
- Carlena Forman
- Casino Night
- Michaela Rystrom
- Mirrya McPhillips
- NE
- Neb.
- Nebraska
- Nebraska State College System
- PlayStation 4
- prizes
- Spring 2015
- Student Activities Board
- The Wayne Stater
- Wayne
- Wayne State College
- Wayne State Wildcats
- Wildcats
- WSC Cats
- WSC Wildcats
- XBox One