COVID-19 causes confusion for people in power

Nick Ulrich, Opinion Editor

Covid-19 has caused a lot of problems already. Not only the many deaths and illness complications throughout the United States, but it seems that everyone who is anyone who makes over $100k a year is struggling to manage hoarding their wealth while trying to seem like they care about everyone else.

It started local. Wayne State came out and said they would be adding a week to Spring Break. This was… confusing. To add to the strangeness, they gave a reason that there hadn’t been a positive test in Wayne. This only added to the confusion, as if anyone expected that some of the local folks in Wayne would be the ones spreading the disease and not the thousands that went home around the United States or vacationed for Spring Break.

It didn’t take long for Wayne State to correct their mistake and decide to go all online, but even some of the people here disagreed with that. In certain programs, students and professors were upset that their ongoing projects might be disrupted by the switch to full-online. This kind of attitude has proven to be problematic in the long run as well. It’s the people who seem most safe that tend to spread it to the ones who seem least safe.

Now it seems to be statewide. Nebraska is one of the last states to take the virus seriously. I still know people who are going out on the weekends, drinking and partying with friends, despite the growing evidence that these acts are dangerous. Every day, on a competitor’s Facebook page (they’re bigger than the Wayne Stater, not better), I see people claiming that the death and infection rates in Nebraska are insignificant. That’s only how it seems until it is significant.

Nothing causes confusion more than Trump, though. He’s stopped using the term “Chinese Virus,” which is worth something. But he’s kept on pushing chloroquine, an untested cure, which has already caused some problems for the ignorant people who take his word for absolute truth.

Finally, this week, he enrolled Vince McMahon, (yes 10-year-old me, it’s that Vince McMahon) the former WWE executive, or the actor who pretended to be an executive. That part is still unclear. Trump brought him on as an advisor to reopening the American economy. I can’t blame Trump though. As a former reality star, it makes sense that he’d think another reality star could offer any sort of intelligence into a situation like this.

On the other hand, don’t they have bad beef or something? Last time I saw them together, Trump tackled McMahon, beat him up and then shaved his head. Yes, that is real. Please Google it, you won’t regret it.