Long walk for a smoke

New policy would require smokers to use tobacco in lot 10

Steele Giles, Staff Writer

Students who use cigarettes may find their ability to do so on campus going up in smoke in the near future if the senate and college president have anything to say on the matter.

There is now a plan currently working its way through the administration and student government to make WSC a tobacco/smoke-free or at least a tobacco/smoke-designated campus. In the case of the latter, the current idea would be to make parking lot 10 the only place on the campus that one could smoke without facing consequences.

Objections to the plan included difficulty of enforcement and a matter of access.

The college has no official policy related to smoking. The 20-foot no smoking radius around building entrances is a part of a state law and enforcing that has been trouble enough. A few senators argued that a blanket ban would be an exercise in futility.

The other issue with the proposed idea of restricting smoking to lot 10 revolved around faculty and facility staff access. Legally, staff members are afforded a 15-minute break every four hours, while the average smoker tends to develop a craving much more frequently.

Even on a campus as small as WSC, transit times alone would make a smoke break in this break period unfeasible for staffers working in buildings other than the Kanter Student Center and Bowen Hall. An alternative was offered in permitting smoking inside vehicles, provided the windows were closed, but this raises its own issues.

This idea is being pursued as part of an effort to promote the health of students and improve the college’s attractiveness overall. According to a website advocating smoke-free campuses, in the last five years, the number of these in the United States has nearly quadrupled, from 446 in 2010 to 1,620 in 2015.

The proposal was tabled and given to the government committee to draft the policy for future consideration.

The senate approved $2,500 to pay for the construction of a pavilion up near the sand volleyball courts. The new shelter would contain picnic tables and possibly lights and wifi. It would be installed in place of the playground adjacent to the nature trail. Construction is tentatively set to begin in the spring.

Good news for the wrestling team: the allocation it requested at the last session was approved in full. It will be able to fly 16 wrestlers to Dalton, Ga., in January for the national duals tournament.


This is important for determining rankings before competing in the national collegiate wrestling tournament later in the season.

The student senate and SAB have decided to collaborate with each other to put on Casino Night this year. A scheduling conflict led to both organizations having something big planned on Feb. 3, so they effectively consolidated the two events into one large one and changed the Casino Night theme to Mardis Gras/masquerade in the process. Casino Night itself will take place from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. that evening.

Further discussion went into the prize pool. A few items were bought during the Cyber Monday sales, more were deliberated upon. One big change the senate is making is that more gift cards will be offered, either in the form of Visa prepaid cards or Wayne Chamber Bucks.