More activities with new clubs and Casino Night
December 2, 2015
Wayne State College may see a growth in campus organizations, if the last meeting of the Student Senate is anything to go by.
Two new organizations attended the meeting held on Nov. 22 to apply for official club status. The first was the men’s soccer club, a group of around 30 men hoping to play in intercollegiate leagues. They would be separate from the WSC sports program in much the same way as the rugby and wrestling teams, while still being associated with the college.
Their practices are currently being held on the intramural soccer field on Mondays. Contact Nick Sachau via email at for information on practices and membership.
The second new organization at the meeting was Delta Epsilon, an honor society for criminal justice majors. The group strives to help its members reach a level of professionalism in the field by taking them to competitions ranging from essay writing to debating to firearms handling.
Members of the society need to be 18 or older and majoring in criminal justice. As it is not yet officially started, dues are still being decided. Around 45 students were listed as interested in joining. Those interested should contact Dr. Andria Cooper in Connell Hall.
The wrestling team approached the senate looking for $4,000 to supplement the club’s budget to fly 16 wrestlers to the national dual tournament in Dalton, Ga. This championship is a part of the scoring for the national collegiate wrestling tournament, in which the club finished 10th last year.
In addition to the allocation, the club spent most of the year running fundraisers like moving projects in the community, selling Godfather’s Pizza coupons and t-shirts and the annual Super Bowl raffle. The senate expressed reluctance at dipping into reserve funds, but the allocations committee intends to help however it can to get the wrestlers to the event.
One of the bigger items in the old news section of the meeting was discussing everybody’s favorite part of Casino Night–the prizes. Senators discussed the acquisition of many of the big prizes (like a 28-inch TV, video game consoles, a Keurig coffee maker and Fitbits) during the Black Friday sales this weekend as opposed to closer to the event in an effort to capitalize on deals.
Continuing the push for the senate to work with other campus organizations, the senate is currently discussing having representatives to the Student Activities Board and vice versa. Similarly, it is collaborating with NATS to get dedicated iPads for the senators. When these will take effect is unknown at the moment, but it is hoped that the answer to both is soon. Both will help keep things on campus running smoothly.
The student senate reviewed some of the project proposals approved by the Board of Trustees at its meeting on campus Nov. 12. These included the renovation of Bowen Hall (which savvy readers may recall from earlier in the year) and a new applied technology center in Benthack. The board discussed a proposal to set a minimum age of 17 for dormitory residents.