‘The 39 Steps’ thrills

Photo by Tess Riecke

Hannah Ramsgard, Ben Bruflat and Caleb Green star in “The 39 Steps,” a play based on Alfred Hitchcok’s romantic thriller of the same name.

Kayla Mathewson, Staff Writer

    If you like plays with great comedy and extreme chases, “The 39 Steps” is just the show for you. It was presented by the Wayne Community Theatre last weekend in Ley Theatre.

The production starts off with a man named Richard Hannay (senior Ben Bruflat) talking about how he has become bored with his life, so he decides to go to a theater. The show he attends is “Mr. Memory,” and in the middle of the show, there is a gunshot, and everyone flees to safety.

Richard returns to the safety of his home and then meets Annabelle (sophomore Hannah Ramsgard), a British spy. She then proceeds to tell Richard that there are two other international agents who are threatening her life and searching for her, and she keeps mentioning something about the 39 steps.

He lets her sleep there until she is murdered in the middle of the night. Knowing that he would get framed for it, Richard runs to avoid getting caught.

The rest of the play is Richard running from these two agents and various police officers. He meets all kinds of people that either help him or hate him, and he gets more and more clues as to whom Annabelle worked for and what the 39 steps are.

There were many great characters even though the cast of the play consisted of five people. Jason Trautman (senior), Alan Bruflat (Spanish professor at WSC) and Trevor McQuay (sophomore) did an excellent job of playing many characters.

They were creative and very quick costume changes that just involved changing a hat and maybe an accent. The play was filled with great humor, of which McQuay and Trautman provided plenty.

There were also two great stagehands that provided crows when needed, and moved the minimalistic set pieces.

I thought the stage design was perfect, as this was a fast-moving play, and too big set pieces would’ve taken too long to move or change.

There were also great sound effects and 1930s music to play between some scenes that needed to be set up.

Mollie Spieker was the director of the play, and she did an excellent job with the cast members and coming up with the various set designs.

Overall, I enjoyed the play very much, with its funny characters and simple set design. It’s also based off Alfred Hitchcock’s thriller/romance “The 39 Steps,” so if you get a chance to either watch the movie or see the play, I really recommend it.