Everett leaving WSC this May

After five years in the criminal justice department, she is returning to her alma mater to continue teaching

Norma Volkmer, News Editor

Wayne State is saying goodbye this May to Pamela Everett, an assistant professor for the criminal justice department.

Everett first came to WSC in the fall semester of 2009. She had spent several years practicing the law and decided she wanted to get into teaching.

“I came to WSC because of the extraordinary opportunity to teach a unique student population with faculty from all over the country and world who seemed to be committed to teaching the same way I was,” Everett said. “I had been practicing law in the big city for many years and when you get a call from the middle of Nebraska to come and teach there, you just have to go, no matter what. I’m so glad I did.”

Besides teaching classes here, Everett writes a column every other week for the Wayne Stater.

She will be teaching at her undergraduate alma mater, the University of Nevada-Reno, and plans to continue her legal work with the Innocence Project. The Innocence Project is a national organization working to free those who have been wrongfully convicted.

While at WSC, she has loved the time she spent with students at graduation, the Social Science Honors/Awards Ceremony and, of course, in her classes.

“I have looked forward to getting to class every day I’ve been here,” Everett said. “I absolutely love discussing justice and other issues with students, working through our material, watching them learning and becoming proficient in our discipline. I also confess to making them all watch the video of my criminal driving behavior caught on camera-ticket last semester. We laughed our heads off.”

Just as WSC has made an impact on her, she will be fondly missed and remembered.