WSC presents a month of concerts

Samuel Baylie, Staff Writer

The Wayne State College Department of Music will present several early-November concerts that are free and open to the public.


The department will present the 15th concert of the “Pfaltzgraff and Pfriends” series on Monday, Nov. 11, at 7:30 p.m. in Ley Theatre.
The concert will feature various WSC students, faculty and members of the Wayne community in vocal and instrumental music selections. Performers will be accompanied by WSC staff accompanist Philip Pfaltzgraff.


This year’s program will feature music from the following shows: “Fiddler on the Roof,” “Rent,” “Oklahoma,” “The Sound of Music,” “Guys and Dolls,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Sweeney Todd, “ “Porgy and Bess,” “Mikado,” “Camelot, “ “The Music Man,” “Into the Woods,” “Children of Eden” and more.


The program includes solos, ensembles and a sing-a-long at the end of the concert with everyone in the audience participating. Titles, composers and lyrics will be projected throughout the program.


Pfaltzgraff and Pfriends performances take place twice each year at WSC. The fall concert includes music from musical theatre repertoire, and the spring performance, titled “I Don’t Play This Instrument,” features performers who are in the rudimentary stages of learning instruments.


The WSC Keyboard Ensemble concert and piano studio recital is set for Thursday, Nov. 12, at 7:30 p.m. in Ramsey Theatre in the Peterson Fine Arts Building.


The ensemble will perform pieces by Grieg, Beth Chedester and Pfaltzgraff. Students performing in the Keyboard Ensemble include Bennett Lamplot of Thurston, Samantha Bierbower of Wakefield, Miranda Musgrave of McCook, Emily Moore of Omaha, Rachel Sweeney of Blair, Laura Guenther of Norfolk and Katie Knox of Wausa. The ensemble is directed by Dr. Angela Miller-Niles, assistant professor of piano at WSC.


WSC students in Miller-Niles’ studio class will also perform solo works by Chopin, Dvorak, Kabalevsky, Tchaikovsky, Schumann and other composers during the concert. Soloists include: Angelica Ostry of Bruno, Moore, Emma Hajek-Jones of Plattsmouth, Norma Jean Jenkinson of Norfolk, Jennifer Fees of Blair, Jordan Zoucha of Schuyler, Katie Welsh of Wahoo, Rachel Sweeney, Katie Knox and Karlee Severance of Ord, Emily Popelka of La Vista, Jaicee Heng of Norfolk, and Lamplot, Bierbower and Musgrave.


WSC faculty member Karl Kolbeck, assistant professor of woodwinds will perform in a concert on Friday, Nov. 13 at 7:30 p.m. in Ley Theatre. Kolbeck will perform on the clarinet and will be accompanied by Pfaltzgraff.


The faculty recital will include works by Brahms, Turan, Bozza and Kovács.


The department will then present a senior recital with WSC students Stephanie Westerhaus and Adrian Campos on Saturday, Nov. 14, at 2 p.m. in Ley Theatre in the Brandenburg Education Building.


Westerhaus and Campos are seniors from Plainview and Alliance majoring in K-12 vocal and instrumental music education. Westerhaus will perform on saxophone, and Campos will be featured on the euphonium.


The WSC Orchestra performs on Sunday, Nov. 15 at 5 p.m. in Ramsey Theatre in the Peterson Fine Arts Building.


The orchestra is made up of WSC students and surrounding community members who share a passion for orchestral music and performance. This year’s orchestra is directed by Canes Nicolas and assisted by Kathleen Angeroth, WSC strings instructor.


The concert will feature four pieces by Albinoni, Isaac, Lamothe and Beethoven.


WSC Woodwind Chamber Ensembles will perform in concert on Monday, Nov. 16 at 7:30 p.m. in Ley Theatre.


The concert will feature a variety of chamber music presented by the WSC Sax Quartet, the WSC Clarinet Choir and the WSC Flute Choir. The ensembles are directed by Kolbeck.


For more information, please contact the WSC Music Department at (402) 375-7359 or e-mail