Helping others with Mercy Meals
Photo Courtesy of Carl Lillienkamp
Students helped out with Mercy Meals last year when it was located in the Frey Conference Suite. This year it will be at Cup of Grace located across from the Willow Bowl on Nov. 3-4 from 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
October 28, 2015
Mercy Meals is a Nebraska-based charity food drive that serves people in need throughout the world.
Wayne State College has been doing its part for Mercy Meals by making food packages for the past several years at the student center. But this year the event will be held at Cup of Grace on Nov. 3 and 4.
All of the workers for Mercy Meals are volunteers. Many of the products, like the rice and vegetables, have been donated by organizations, and this makes it possible to keep costs down to 10 cents per package.
“Money was already raised to get the commodities, but we do need students to come and help pack it,” Pastor Carl Lilienkamp said.
About 300 people volunteered last year, including some WSC football players who helped unload the supplies. Despite the location change for Mercy Meals, the church is hoping to have a good amount of volunteers show up.
“I feel that the Mercy Meals is a great opportunity to help those in need. It gives you that feel-good feeling,” said Adrian Eggers, a WSC student and volunteer from last year.
Mercy Meals has its headquarters in Norfolk. Lilienkamp has found that many volunteers are already familiar with this organization, and he believes this is a great opportunity to do something good here.
Mercy Meals makes sure that the food will go directly to the people that need it with the proper nutrition to fight against starvation.
“Coming and volunteering for at least an hour gives the blessing of knowing you did something for others. There’s a blessing that comes back to people that do this,” Lilienkamp said.
Anyone interested in volunteering can set up a time to help by calling Pastor Lilienkamp at 402-369-2529.