Journey to Juneau
Track and cross country athlete spends her summer in Alaska
Photo By Melissa Kroll Facebook
Melissa Kroll, right, and friend Holly Chase, left, travel up a mountain in their ten-week Alaska trip, hosted by Campus Crusade for Christ.
October 7, 2015
Senior track member Melissa Kroll got a calling this summer to go out and make a difference in other people’s lives.
She traveled with 33 other students in Campus Crusade for Christ on a 10-week mission to Alaska.
“I really felt a calling by God to grow in my relationship with Him, and help others in their process of growing,” Kroll said.
Kroll needed help to fund her way to Alaska. She created a GoFundMe account, and with the support of friends and family, she raised the money to start her journey to Juneau.
Once she reached Juneau, Kroll met several people of the community who needed someone to talk to.
“I was so blessed to be the person to listen to them. It changed my life hearing people’s problems and being able to help them,” Kroll said.
She had the opportunity to get a job, one in which she interacted with the others who worked there. She worked in a shop selling and making popcorn. Kroll had the opportunity to meet tourists and visit with her coworkers.
Students on the trip also had the opportunity to experience the beautiful landscape and nature Alaska has to offer. Kroll was able to go out with friends she met on the trip, hike and fish.
One adventure Kroll embarked upon was when she and a friend decided they wanted to hike a mountain and stay the night to watch the sunrise the next morning. They set out with food and water, and made it to the top of the mountain in five hours.
Once at the top, the temperature started to drop. It was windy and cold. The girls slept with their feet in their backpacks. They awoke to see the sunrise and decided to head back down the mountain.
On the way down, they got off the path and almost lost their way. Eventually, they made it back to town and even in time for church.
“The trek up the mountain was my favorite memory from the trip. It was the most fun I have ever had,” said Kroll, a mid-distance runner who set records at Midland Lutheran University before transferring to WSC.
Kroll had the time of her life and wants everyone to have the opportunity she did. She wants anyone who wants to get involved to come to Cru here on campus and learn about the opportunities to go on a mission.