Join the mayhem, ‘N++’ is one to enjoy
October 7, 2015
Just in case you are wondering where my review for Tony Hawk Pro-Skater 5 is, check your local Youtube and then understand why I am doing an indie game this week.
I chose a game that has been on PS4 store front for a couple months .
“N” started out as a free flash game that I had played on Newgrounds’ website some time ago and it to me had a simple premise: You are a ninja, you have amazing acrobatic skills, your life is based on the gold bar at the top screen and your goal is to open the door by any means necessary all the while gathering gold.
That is the whole gist of this game. No major story/plot to become enveloped with, no over-arching characters to fall in love with and see them struggle to become someone. Just a little black ninja (you can change your colors but it is a ninja so black for me) who gets gold and gets the goal. I have played the original, “N+” which was the first outing to consoles and it ported quite well, so I have some basic knowledge of the enemies I face and the learning curve that goes with it.
I think it is always fantastic to go back to playing any game that, while it may take you a few deaths each round, you gain the ability to look at a map ahead of time and plot out where exactly you are going and how you are going to get there. Granted there are new enemies for the third time around, most of the enemies are easy to explain. Then there are the outright nightmares that inhabit this game.
Basic enemies include laser beams that heat up to your location, guided rockets, and mines. The hell-spawn of this game is literally every other enemy that hunts you down and wants to kill you and bathe in your bones. And damn does this game make you sit on the edge of your seat.
I love playing a game like this though: something that isn’t as hardcore as Batman or Metal Gear Solid, but still manages to hold my attention and pushes me to think about the map, even after my 13th or 14th death. We lose track of these games because sometimes as gamers we hold our focus to such major titles like “Fallout 4” or “Call of Duty: Black Ops 3,” and when a game that is just as frustrating but equally rewarding comes out but isn’t a AAA game it gets swept under the rug.
I say this to all the gamers, regardless of platform: go out and really look for a game this week/weekend that doesn’t have Activision or Bungie plastered on the box and really sit down and learn to enjoy that game for what it is giving you.
Based on my rating scale of buy, wait for sale, rent or never look at again, I give “N++” a definite must buy. Even better, have up to 4 people join the mayhem. And if you honestly don’t want to spend the money, go to Newgrounds and give it a whirl.