Letter to the Editor

Ben Robinson

Dear Editor:

In a bold and insightful move at their March 26, 2015 meeting, the Nebraska State College System Board of Trustees approved the inclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity to the NSCS Equal Educational Policy.

These changes were the response of the Board to a request at their January 20-21, 2015 meeting from the Student Trustees of each of the three college campuses of the NSCS. Their request was supported by an affirmative vote of the Student Senates on each campus.

The WSC PRIDE Student Organization would like to say thank you to Senator Luke Emery, WSC Student Senate, for introducing the request for a vote of the WSC Student Senate at their meeting on October 19, 2014. The vote was overwhelmingly positive with 15 “yes” votes and 4 “abstain.”

PRIDE also thanks Former WSC Student Senate President Nolan Janssen and Former Vice-President Nathan Schreiter for their work in coordinating the three campus Student Senate votes. Thanks go also to PSC Student Senate President Lexi Neemann and Vice-President Jessica Johansen, as well as to CSC Student Senate President Dillon Spies and Vice-President Taylor Strong for the work they did with their Student Senates to bring the matter to a vote.

Finally, thank you to the Student Trustees of the NSCS for your dedication to making positive change happen and to the NSCS Board of Trustees for support and approval of the change requested by the students of the College System. The vote of the Board to make the policy changes mentioned will be published in the March 26 Board minutes. These will be included in the June Board meeting materials on the NSCS website.

Ben Robinson,
PRIDE President