On the run with Hanna: Baby steps towards true adulting


Hanna Conrad, News Editor

When trying to decide what to write about for this week, I thought about telling my life story as a Wildcat, but as interesting as that sounds, I changed my mind.

As you may remember, in March,I had no idea what I was going to do after graduation. I didn’t know where I was going to live, what I was going to do for work—I was a leaf floating in the wind.

But now I have found a branch to grab onto. Recently, I was accepted to the University of South Dakota to begin my master’s degree in English and was also offered a position as teacher’s assistant. Then within a week, I found a place to live by myself and now I’m looking to buy a vacuum.

It happened so quickly that I forgot to take a breath and realize that I am adulting. I’m now excited to buy curtains and garbage cans instead of popsicles and bubblegum suckers. I want to invite my grandmother over for brunch. I should probably own a table cloth and put plants in the windows. I’m not quite sure if that constitutes being an adult, but it certainly seems like it.
And it’s not just me. I have several friends who are also becoming real adults.

They’re getting new jobs, new houses and briefcases. They’ve cut their hair to a more appropriate, job-interview-ready look. They’re worried about seeing their bosses or coworkers in public places with less-responsible friends. (Yes, there are people more irresponsible than us now).

Some, myself included, question what an adult is—beyond buying fancy things for a house and working eight or more hours.

I googled the word adulting for some inspiration, and there’s actually a book on how to do it. It’s titled “Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 468 Easy (ish) Steps” by Kelly Williams Brown. Problem solved, friends! There’s a how-to book for us.

According to Brown, being an adult means becoming an active member in the community, and not apologizing for things that you like and care for. It also includes accepting that you are not special. At least my mom still thinks I am.

My fellow seniors and I may be getting closer to true adulthood, but we’re definitely still not there (ask any older person). We have many more adult-firsts to encounter and I don’t think any of us are 90, so we might as well not act like it.

My mom was just explaining to me what a mortgage is and how it works (they didn’t teach me this in high school). It was just too overwhelming for me. I just wanted to hide under my covers and never think about owning a house ever again.

Thankfully, we do not have to become full adults right away. We’ll just have to take it one step at a time, probably keep calm, and handle life as it is given to us.

In the meantime, we’ll try to figure out what to put in our new briefcases besides snacks and pencils. I’ll try to keep my plants alive and host a real gathering with beverages AND food.

Readers, friends, family: this is my last column for the Wayne Stater. Whether you enjoyed reading my ramblings or not, thanks for the support.

I really have had some of the best years of my life here at Wayne State.

I had wonderful professors who have taught me so much—in my studies and in life. I also met some incredible people that have become my best friends that I cannot see living without.

My advice to underclassmen is to get involved in campus activities; it’s a great way to find new friends who are interested in some of the same things you are.

Or maybe you’ll try something different. Get to know your professors and other faculty/staff members; they are here to help you and truly want to.

Have an open mind; but stand up for what you believe in.

Be nice to others. Read the Wayne Stater. And most importantly, enjoy the time you have here.