Amber Alert: Harder than it looks


Amber Kinney

Can I just say that growing up sucks?

Stay in school as long as you can, kids!

I remember being so giddy to graduate last May, but then I got a full-time job. As much as I love my job, I do not love the other stuff that comes along with it.

For example, right now my husband and I are looking for a more “kid friendly” vehicle for when that time comes. However, we don’t want to finance any of it because we have enough debt thanks to college (thanks Wayne State!). I mean financially we are doing fine, but without financing any of the vehicle, it really narrows down our options.

Which kind of sucks.

Also, paying back loans is not fun what-so-ever. So all you underclassman out there, try not to take out that much. Sorry upperclassman, it’s probably too late for you.

In all reality, the loan payment is not that bad. It’s bad when paired with rent, bills, insurance, clothing and groceries…all of which your parents probably helped with while in college. Here’s a little piece of advice, STAY ON YOUR PARENTS’ INSUARANCE AS LONG AS YOU CAN. Trust me, it will be worth it.

Right now I get insurance through work but it still gets taken out of my paycheck, just at a smaller amount.

Next, if you are going to call into work sick, don’t put what you are actually doing on social media. Especially if you are friends with people from work on those sites.

It will really make them mad when they have to stay late and put in extra-unpaid hours because they are salary. I know from experience, it’s not fun having to stay late, but to not get paid for it is even worse.

I really should not complain too much about that one, because I got a Friday off for that. There are some perks.

In all honesty, being a grown up is not all that bad. There are some pretty cool perks…like not having to go to school…unless you chose to be a teacher or chose graduate school. Also, paid personal time, sick time and vacation time is a great thing.

And although I know this will not happen everywhere, the two weeks of paid Christmas vacation really makes up for all the times I have to stay late without getting paid.

Growing up is all about the perspective you take. You can choose to take the challenge and make it great. Or you can say it sucks and move back in with your parents— if they will take you.

If I were you, I would choose to take the challenge. Yes, that challenge may be horrible at times, but growing up is a part of life. So go live life!