“Stanton,” a movie written and directed by Tristian Powell, is having a showing at the Majestic Theater, in Wayne on Oct. 24.
“Stanton” is a movie that “follows a musician who lives alone on a Nebraska farm, and he has to face his past mistakes that he made with his son.” Powell said.
The Majestic theater shows a wide variety of films and movies. “Thursday through Sunday we show movies that are made by the major studios, so on our off nights we have other options.” Jason Barelman, the Majestic Theatre’s manager, said. If the film is something they think will be of interest to the community, then they can show it on the off nights which are Sunday through Wednesday. Barelman said.
The Majestic Theatre likes to provide these lesser-known directors with a venue to get their films out there and shown. “Tobiah reached out to be to show it.” Barelman said. Since it was filmed so close to the community in Wayne it shows good potential to have interest and a good turnout on Oct. 24.
The movie is all original and the inspiration for where the story took place comes from his own family farm in Stanton. The farm has been in his family for over a hundred years, Powell said. “It is such a beautiful place with such beautiful scenery, so I thought it would be perfect for a movie,” Powell said, “I just kind of imagined an older guy living alone on the farm with a dog, that was my starting point, I just built a story from there.”
“I had reached out to the local theater in Norfolk, and they were gracious to give me a few numbers to call for actors.” Powell said. Since most of the actors had day jobs, they had to be flexible with their scheduling for filming.
The days on set were great and professional. Even though the film’s cast were theater actors and not film actors, “Everyone was super professional and willing to put in the work necessary to get this project to light,” Powell said, “It was a lot of fun!” On the last night of filming, they had the Stanton County Sheriff there who let the crew use the truck, Powell said. He has decided not to go to any festivals and only to self-distribute.