Student Senate Proposes Firepit Addition to Campus

Tucker Ashburn, News Writer

The Wayne State College Student Senate is working to add a firepit between Pile Hall and the newly renovated Peterson building.  

The plan is in the early stages of development, but plans are moving forward to incorporate the firepit. 

“The area was decided this is the area we settled on for several reasons,” President Carter Ossian said. “It will be in a centralized part of campus, is visible from the Student Center, will further improve the look of this area of campus upon the completion of Peterson’s renovation/addition, and is within close distance of several residence halls.” 

The new firepit area would be about 20-25 feet in diameter and have another sidewalk be put in, in conjunction with the new area. Student Senate has been in conversations with the executives of Associated General Contractors, an organization from the Center for Applied Technology, and Kyle Nelsen, the Director of Facility Services, to see how student groups and organizations could get involved so that the firepit could get the most use. 

A gas line would be installed underneath the sidewalks to the pit area. Seating would also be made for those wishing to use the firepit. The construction timeline currently is for summer break 2023, shortly starting after the end of the spring semester. 

“The Student Senate will also organize an opportunity for all clubs and organizations to get involved and have the name of their organization incorporated into the project with either engravings or bricks through donations,” Ossian said. “The donations from the memberships of our campus’s clubs and organizations will award them a place to put their name on campus for decades, and all proceeds will go to the Scholars Assisting Students Scholarship, a program we intend to jumpstart prioritizing scholarships for returning sophomores to stem freshmen dropout rates.”