Sexual Assault Awareness Month

WSC and surrounding community offer support and education surrounding sexual assault

Graphic by Agnes Kurtzhals

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Haven House is a local resource for survivors of sexual assault.

Aubreanna Miller, News Editor

Wayne State College groups and those in the Wayne community have come together to bring awareness this April for the twenty-first anniversary of Sexual Assault Awareness Month.  

Some of those campus groups include Survivors Not Victims, a club that provides support and awareness to sexual assault, and Active Minds, which works to raise mental health awareness, education and resources.  

From the community, Haven House, a non-profit organization “which offers intervention and prevention services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault,” according to their website, has partnered with Active Minds, the KWSC Radio Station and The Max Bar and Grill.  

Events began April 6, with a candlelight vigil hosted by Active Minds. Senior Elissa Calpin, who works for Haven House, explained the event gave people the opportunity to support those who experience sexual assault and offered a place for healing and connections.  

“It’s very important to talk about sexual assault and let survivors know that they’re not alone and connect them to those resources,” Calpin said. 

Next, The Max, on Thursday, April 7, encouraged customers to wear teal, white and grey to raise awareness and advocate for a fun and safe environment.  

On April 9 and 10, KWSC held a 24-hour livestream raising money for Haven House. Students and staff held events such as eating hot sauce of varying spiciness, playing video games, cooking and much more throughout the day and night.  

Finally, Haven House will host a three movie, home marathon Friday, April 15. The organization encourages participants to watch the movies, which raise awareness for sexual assault, and follow along with their livestreams and posts on Haven House’s Instagram page.  

Additionally, the group on campus known as Survivors Not Victims has also planned to host a string of events throughout the month.  

This group, according to President Lexie Jackson, strives to bring awareness and education surrounding the topic of sexual assault and advocate for anyone on campus who have experienced assault or know someone else who has.  

Throughout April, Jackson and others in the organization set up a table in the Kanter Student Center with awareness ribbon stickers for students to take and show their support. They have plans to add an art mural in the student center and library for students to write or draw about their thoughts and feelings during this awareness month.  

Next, on April 23, students can raise money for SNV by paying a donation of $10 to “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes.” The event starts at 9 a.m. in the Student Center. Participants are invited to wear heels during their mile walk, but not required to.  

Finally, another candlelight vigil will take place April 29, at 7 p.m. in the center between Brandenburg and the Conn Library. During this, students may speak if they feel comfortable and SNV will provide information and resources to attendees.  

Jackson encourages all students to participate in the events by attending, helping set up and promoting them on campus. People do not have to be in the club to raise awareness this month.  

Their last meeting of this semester will occur Thursday, April 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the Ley Theater. If someone would like to join, but cannot make it, students can reach out via email at [email protected]. The group plans to elect new officers for the next school year.  

If someone has experienced sexual assault in the past, Jackson emphasizes that they are not alone, and resources exist if they would like to reach out.  

“I just would want them to know that they are strong,” Jackson said. “They are loved and there are people who believe them. And if they’re not comfortable yet with telling their story, then they don’t have to. Ultimately, it’s what happened to them, and they should not let anyone else pressure them into what they should do about it.”