Marijuana Use Focus Group

Jackson Kelley, News Writer

The Omaha Collegiate Consortium and Nebraska Collegiate Prevention Alliance teamed up to have a marijuana use focus group where 18-24-year-old college students could voice their opinions about marijuana use. 

On March 24, 30 and April 5, there was or will be marijuana use focus groups. During the session, students will Zoom-in to talk about their views of marijuana use among college students. They will also talk about the information they have received in the past about marijuana use.  

“The focus groups are being conducted so our organization, the Nebraska Collegiate Prevention Alliance can learn more about Nebraska college students’ thoughts about using marijuana,” Megan Hopkins, the project director at the Nebraska Collegiate Prevention Alliance, said. 

“We also know that students report using marijuana as a coping strategy but often are not aware of how regular marijuana use can actually worsen issues like anxiety, sleep and concentration,” Hopkins said.  

Hopkins wants to learn about what information can be provided by talking to students about their prior knowledge and opinions about marijuana. 

 “I decided to do the focus group because I am able to provide unbiased, realistic feedback that may be valued for establishments that are trying to improve the safety of those that already use the substance for its healing properties,” Savannah Hern, a Wayne State College student, said. 

During the focus group, college students were asked questions about marijuana use. Most of the questions were geared toward marijuana use while driving vs drinking and driving.  

“We are fortunate to have alternative transportation methods available, like Wildcat Wheels,” Hern said. “It’s not a bad idea to have a pre-determined designated driver as well.”  

She also said that people will make their own decisions despite the advice they are given, and we must try to keep people safe. 

“Smoking marijuana is controversial, especially since it is still illegal in Nebraska,” Hern said.  

It is not often talked about because it is illegal. Hern said that the media does a good job talking about drunk driving by telling peoples’ stories which gives the listener or reader a good image.