Ossian and Munter win popular vote
Carter Ossian and John Munter
March 2, 2022
Student Senate election ballots closed at 5 p.m. on Feb. 25, with Presidential Candidate Carter Ossian and Vice-Presidential Candidate John Munter, winning the popular vote.
The two senators feel incredibly grateful for the chance to serve the student body in the coming year, Munter said.
Plans for their term include decreasing the stigma of the Student Senate, collaborating with and empowering other organizations on campus, facilitating projects that will directly benefit students with the money from the Student Activity Fee cap increase and implementing a few new subcommittees within the organization.
Ossian expressed the need for bringing the view of Senate back to the middle ground, specifically by informing the student body of the duties and divisions of the group, better utilizing the whole of each committee and holding campus wide social events.
“Going into the next year for our term, John and I really hope to give students more of an opportunity to see Senate for what it really is,” Ossian said. “[To] see them for the good that they can do and to bring forward potential changes.”
Additionally, one of the new subcommittees the pair plans to utilize includes Campus Innovation, under the Club and Organization Oversight Committee, which will propose renovations on campus and reach out to associated general contractors, Ossian said.
Another subcommittee, Ossian wishes to develop under the Campus Relations and Technology Committee, will concentrate on organizing fun and inclusive campus events.
“Something that we really want to focus on is getting more events on campus from Student Senate,” Ossian said. “Whether they be large scale like casino night, giant collaborative volleyball tournaments or all the way down to smaller socials so students can meet the different senators from their schools.”
Munter also disclosed a proposal to make a new allocations sheet to improve awareness of club affairs and make it easier for them to reach out with concerns.
Ossian and Munter gained extensive knowledge regarding campus culture and life throughout their campaign process. Having the opportunity to reach out and visit with students, members of clubs and organizations such as TRIO and Residence Life, has opened the senators’ eyes to the demographics of campus and the resources necessary to uphold campus activities.
“It’s been a privilege to get to know and work with different kinds of people,” Munter said. “Carter really did an exceptional job of reaching out to people. This work is really something I want to do. And I knew that no matter the outcome, it was worth it.”
To those who did not vote for Ossian and Munter, Ossian still intends to hear their grievances and meet with other senators to implement initiatives that will benefit all students. They recognize the beneficial proposals of their competition, Lauren White and Charlotte Kimsey, and hope to work with them and other senators to make the best decisions for the student body.
The pair feel excited about the prospects of their upcoming term. Ossian voiced his faith in the experience and unique perspectives brought forth by his Vice-President Munter, Secretary Daisha Hoffman and upcoming trustee Brett Hilbers. He expects the team to bring good things to campus and empower new and returning Senators.