Terrarium Making with SAB

Reagan Hudson

Emily Wilford, Lydia Schmucker, Elizabeth Ellis, Ruby Johansen show off their new terrariums after participating in SAB’s Fifty Shades of Green.

Kaylee Koch, News Writer

The Student Activities Board put on a terrarium-making event on Monday, Feb. 14 in the Elkhorn Room of the Student Center as part of their Fifty Shades of Green plant series. The event was headed by Zaynab Kouatli and Elizabeth Barenburg, with it being the third installment of the two’s plant series.  

The terrarium-making event was a huge success, with roughly 50 students coming to take part. SAB provided all the materials for the projects, including the containers, soil, and plants. There were also things to decorate them with, such as crystals and moss.  

According to Kouatli, there were several kinds of plants, involving succulents and different varieties of air plants. Some of these included zebra, spikey and even haworthia plants. There were also supplies that students could decorate their terrariums with, such as moss and crystals. The supplies went quickly, with the plants being gone in about 30 minutes.  

When asked about how they thought the event did, Kouatli said that they were incredibly happy with the results. According to them, someone had even said at the event that the 50 Shades of Green series has sparked a plant addiction in them, with them now owning 10 plants.  

When asked about the next installment, Kouatli said that there are no specific dates locked down, but they are wanting to do a macrame-making event, along with possibly doing Plant Bingo on Earth Day. They said that because of the terrarium-making event’s success, they are also entertaining with the idea of doing a part two to it. If done, they are aiming to include even more varieties of plants.  

SAB meets every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Bluestem Room, where all students are welcome. They are encouraged to come share their ideas for new events, along with contributing input on how events could be improved for the future.  

  • Rose Dieter shows off her DIY terrarium at SAB’s Fifty Shades of Green event.

  • Emily DeTour and Machara Jusino make their own terrariums at SAB’s Fifty Shades of Green event on February 14th.

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