WSC Men’s Volleyball Club Head to Phoenix, Arizona

Ryan Herek, Staff Writer

The Wayne State College men’s club volleyball team is headed to Phoenix, Arizona in April to play in the NCVF nationals’ tournament. There they will be competing against the best club volleyball teams in the country.

“I am expecting us to be more organized on the court and have more wins as a team,” Kaysen Aksamit, manager of the men’s volleyball team, said. “We have a lot of room to grow but overall, I feel like we have improved overall, and I am very excited to see what this team can do.”

The team is new on campus as they just recently started to compete in tournaments and are starting to become more competitive.

“ We are going to be playing some teams that are just as good as us and are very competitive like Creighton, UNL, UNK, and Northern Iowa,” Blake Jamber, member of the men’s volleyball team, said. “I am very excited to play new competition and be with my teammates in a different element and environment.”

“I joined the volleyball team because of my previous experience in a summer league at the Mark Bowling Alley in Omaha,” Ben Pierson said. “I played there all through high school and I wasn’t always the best player, but I found out through a few friends here that there was an all-men’s club team and wanted to further my skill set in the sport and meet and create new friendships along the way as I started my career playing volleyball.”

“I am most excited to travel to Phoenix because I’ve never traveled with a sports team and I feel like it will bring us closer together not only as a team but also as friends,” Pierson said. “Another reason behind my excitement is I love the state of Arizona and it’s always a good time to go visit especially when you are traveling with friends.”

The team will face their toughest competition while playing in the national tournament in Phoenix.

“Compared to our competition I feel as if we have a lot of improvement we can make because we will be facing teams who are at a D1 level,” Pierson said. “However, this will be an amazing learning experience for the team because to be the best you have to play against the best.”

The team will make the trip to the nationals on April 14th. The schedule is still being determined.