“Lysistrata” a classic Greek Comedy
Photo from https://www.wsc.edu/news/article/612/lysistrata_portrays_bawdy_saga_of_social_power
WSC theatre department program plans to present its fall performance “Lysistrata” from Nov. 11 – 14 in the Black Box Theatre at the Peterson Fine Arts Performing Center. Photo courtesy of WSC website https://www.wsc.edu/news/article/612/lysistrata_portrays_bawdy_saga_of_social_power
November 3, 2021
The Wayne State College theatre department program plans to present its fall performance “Lysistrata” from Nov. 11 – 14 in the Black Box Theatre at the Peterson Fine Arts Performing Center.
“I would encourage everyone to come to this show it is wild, fun, and unexpected, it is a great showcase of the talent we have here at Wayne State,” Mollie Young, director of the show, said.
Students can come to the show, it is general admission and free. Young says to come in about half an hour early because once they reach capacity the doors will be closed.
“I wanted to do something kind of shocking,” Young said. “Our cast of almost 40 people is diligent and very prepared which is rare but it really helps with getting to the level of performance they are at.”
The play acts as an adaptation of Aristophanes’ original Lysistrata and women of Athens during the Peloponnesian War when they decide to abstain men from sex until they end the war.
Young admits that this is one of the biggest shows she has directed in years. She has never directed an ancient Greek play and the humor was challenging to wrap her mind around at first but, as they progress through the script she is starting to understand.
“I love the discovery process going into a show and not knowing how it is going to look until you move through the process,” Young said.
According to Young, what makes directing worth it is watching a group of people collaborating towards the same common goal. Lastly, she did share that the funniest moment they have had on set so far was the cold reading of the script and explaining all the dirty jokes to the Freshman students.
Cast member of “Lysistrata,” Braden Kern, a senior at Wayne State, confesses this is one of his favorite roles he has played.
“This role although it may be smaller is one of the most fun roles, I have had the pleasure to be casted as,” Kern said.
He went on to say the character give him freedom to make artistic choices on what he would like to show the audience. He also admitted the script was difficult to memorize
“The language is just not words I would use in everyday scenarios so that part was a little difficult to master,” Braden said.
The cast and crew of “Lysistrata” will perform on Nov. 11 – Nov. 14. Take a break from schoolwork and join the WSC theatre department program on stage for a few laughs together in the classic Greek comedy “Lysistrata.”