Going Greek at Wayne State could be right for you
January 16, 2019
The sororities and fraternity on campus are rushing into the spring semester in hopes of attracting new members to Greek life with their spring recruitment.
Both of the sororities, Theta Phi Alpha and Zeta Tau Omega, and the fraternity, Tau Kappa Epsilon, scheduled recruitment events throughout the first two weeks of the semester. The organizations have expressed excitement over possibly finding new recruits.
“I love seeing all the new potential members and seeing them get excited and to see them growing just as we did when we were new members,” said Theta Phi Recruitment Head Katie Voichahoske.
Theta Phi Alpha is the national sorority on campus and will be having their recruitment events from Tuesday, Jan. 15 to Thursday, Jan. 17 and then from Tuesday, Jan. 22 to Thursday, Jan. 24. Some of their events will include crafts, games, an ice cream social and a hot chocolate social.
“We’re a group of girls who really desire to promote the welfare of others,” said Zeta Tau Recruitment Head Hannah Coonce. “We really hope as a whole to bond and connect with the new girls and also with the Theta Phi girls as well throughout this.”
Zeta Tau Omega is the local sorority at Wayne State and began their recruitment events on Jan. 8 and ended them on Jan. 11. The events scheduled for this week began on Tuesday, Jan. 15 with more to take place.
“We take our brotherhood very seriously,” said Tau Kappa Epsilon President Oleg Banketov. “We really aim to make lifelong bonds and friendships through the fraternity.”
Tau Kappa Epsilon is the national fraternity on campus. They began their recruitment events on Monday, Jan. 14 and will end on Friday, Jan. 18. Some of their events include games, poker, the Greek mixer, and a water pong tournament.
“I think it’s important that [the sororities and fraternity] all work together because we are on one campus and we are all Greek life so I think it’s important we spend time together and do things together so it’s good to get all our names out like that,” Greek Council Recruitment Head Maddyson Reinhart said.
The Greek mixer is an event where all three organizations hold a recruitment activity together. It was held on Tuesday, January 15 at 5 p.m. in the Niobrara Room in the KanterStudent Center.
“It’s a chance where all three organizations on campus can come together and just kind of tell what we do and we can recruit people into our own organizations,” Reinhart said.
While the Greek groups can all agree that they hope to add more members to their own individual organizations, they also hope for the best for each other as well. They hope to continue working together to make Greek life even better than it is now.

Tau Kappa Epsilon’s current chapter is getting ready for recruitment this spring.

Theta Phi Alpha after recruitment last fall with their new members.

The girls of Zeta Tau Omega at a recruitment event this semester.