The great water debate

Rachel Vogt, Staff Writer

Is water wet? In my opinion, water isn’t wet, however it is a liquid that wets things. Once you come into contact with water, you then become wet. Until that point, water is a liquid but you are still dry.

Water isn’t wet. Wetness is a description of our experience of water, or what happens to us when we come into contact with water. We grow to associate the sensation of wetness is with water, but water isn’t wet.

Any fluid could be said to be wet if wetness is a result of the sensation caused by the movement of fluid over the skin. If you think about it, you can’t feel wetness if you hold your hand perfectly still while it is submerged, and a drop of water on the skin doesn’t feel wet. In my opinion, water isn’t wet, and if you are completely submerged in water, you still aren’t wet.

You are wet when the area around you is dry, or when you are no longer submerged in the water. Now I understand how one would argue that water is wet, it quenches our thirst and keeps us alive, however that does not make it wet, it just simply reiterates that it is a liquid.

Water simply makes other outside materials wet by use of cohesive and adhesive forces, which are responsible for the surface tension in such objects. Water actually has pretty high cohesive forces due to hydrogen bonding, and so is not as good at wetting surfaces as some liquids such as acetone or alcohols. This again reiterates the fact that water is not wet.

You may disagree with me, however it has been argued by scientists that water is not wet, it is simply a liquid.