Peter Boie and the spirit Emily were unbelievable

  • Magician, Peter Boie, stunned WSC students and Staff at Ramsey Theatre. Boie performed tricks using the help of the spirit, Emily. Even the participants could not figure out a logical explanation for his mind-blowing magic. Emily and Boie were a big hit and the audience is hoping they will return to WSC.

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Blake Hilkemeir, Staff Writer

Wayne State hosted internationally renowned magician, Peter Boie last Friday night for an evening of frights and scares in a magic show he titles, “Summoning Spirits.”

Boie has traveled to many colleges throughout his years of performing, but this was his first time being invited to WSC.

Sarah Gunion, member of the Student Activities Board here at WSC, played a big part in getting Boie to come to Wayne for a show.

“We saw him at a National Association of Campus Activities Conference, and he did a little trick for us and he blew our minds,” Gunion said. “We knew we had to bring him back.”

While Gunion had never seen a show of Boie’s, she knew he would be great to bring to WSC as a little bit of Halloween-themed entertainment.

“He did this thing where he drew a circle on his hand, and while he talked to us he had one of us put our hand overtop of his, and all of the sudden he turned over that person’s hand and the circle had moved from his hand to her hand without even touching her,” Gunion said.

Boie’s show revolved around a girl named Emily, who passed away at the middle school he attended as a child. Throughout the performance Peter performed many crazy tricks that required the help of Emily. The tricks were full of suspensful mindblowing magic, which all built up for an ending that was sure to put you on the edge of their seats.

Throughout the performance, Boie is sure to have lots of student interaction. One of the students he called up as an assistant was Cassidy Gilliland, a freshman at WSC.

“(When I was on stage) I kept trying to figure out a logical explanation for what he had just done,” Gilliland said. “But I really just couldn’t figure it out. It was unbelievable.”

Boie’s show was stunning to all, and even left some people questioning what they originally believed.

“I didn’t really believe in this kinda stuff before, but some of this was pretty realistic,” Gilliland said. “I am definitely more of a believer now.”

Boie’s show was a hit for students at WSC, and he definitely proves why he is so popular in the magic community.