Running out of time to do your civic duty

Libby Dunn, Staff Writer

As of today, you, as a Nebraskan, have nine days left to register to vote online and 16 days left to register to vote in person before the general election on Nov. 6. Basically, what I’m trying to say by throwing numbers at you is, YOU DO NOT HAVE MUCH TIME LEFT!

Given that you are an American citizen and are above the age of 18, you have no reason to avoid registering (unless you live in North Dakota where registration is not required in order to vote).
If you share similar beliefs to mine, then you are ready for change in Congress. The best way to act upon your longing for change? Vote.

Now, I’ve only been an eligible voter for one year, but I worked at a polling location in the 2016 election and was saddened by the small turnout and lack of voting citizens under the age of 50.
Most of the time, when asked about why they don’t vote, American’s have an excuse they consider valid.

I’ve come to the conclusion that there is always an alternative to an excuse. Let me demonstrate:

“I just don’t have enough time to register to vote or to vote.” Make the time. As you will read below, it takes roughly two to five minutes to register to vote online.
It doesn’t take much time to go to your local polling place to fill in a few bubbles, either.

“I don’t need to vote because I’m very happy with the way things are going in America right now.” Shouldn’t this give people more of an incentive to vote?
“The options are terrible.” If you are that passionate about the lack of candidates, then please, exercise your right of a write-in.

If you don’t see the importance in voting for the re-election of House and Senate seats, then you could either take interest in state-wide issues like voting on Medicaid expansion in Nebraska or your hometown mayoral election.

“I’m just not politically active.” The first step in becoming politically active is becoming politically knowledgeable.

Now, I’m not saying that you need to pursue a degree in Political Science, but it wouldn’t hurt you to do a little Google searching about the upcoming elections.

The list of excuses could go on and on. The most important thing for Americans citizens to know, is how to register to vote and how to go about the actual process of voting.

It is the 21st century, so the easiest way to either make sure you are registered or to go through the process of registering, is to visit Once there, you will be given the option to either “Register to vote” or “Check registration status.”

By clicking one of those, you will either find out you are registered or become a registered voter in the span of 2 to 5 minutes.

Old school and don’t have access to a tablet, phone or computer? Visit your local county clerk’s office,and they will help you through the process.

Once you are registered, you can use the same website to either get your absentee ballot or find your polling place.

The option of an absentee ballot is a good alternative for college students whose permanent addresses are in their hometown.

Though the process may seem overwhelming at first, I can assure you that it is simple. I truly hope that everyone eligible can take the time to fulfill their civic duty on Nov. 6.