Explorers club embraces wild

Lisa Dohmen, Staff Writer

The Wayne State College Explorers Club is going to Lake Superior Sept. 7 through 9. This trip is their fall travel educational experience and there will be 14 students and six faculty members travelling to Wisconsin to see various national parks and more.

Dr. Randy Bertolas is the advisor for the Explorers Club and has put a lot of thought into what sites they will be visiting on their trip.

“We have a very well thought out itinerary,” Bertolas said. “At Interstate parks we are going to explore the glacial landscape and St. Croix River valley. At Tettegouche State Park we are going to hike to Shovel Point Overlook and walk on Lake Superior rock beach. We are even stopping at Mall of America on our way back to Nebraska.”

The club has an interesting beginning story.

“Every teacher has heard the infamous ‘Can we have class outside?’ and one day I said we need to get a group formed to have class outside and someone held me accountable,” Bertolas said. “We had our first trip in April 2003 and we have a trip every semester with our Explorers Club.

According to Bertolas, the explorers club blends fun, networking and learning.

“Getting out of Nebraska and visiting other places that students would otherwise not have the opportunity to visit is a good way of showing that you can play well with others in a group setting,” Bertolas said. “It is also a great way to get students to come out of their shell.

Bertolas said the trip is very inclusive and affordable.

“Anyone can join the explorers club, but we limit our trip count to about 20,” Bertolas said. “It only costs each person on the trip $150-$200. For three days of adventure and learning expeditions, it is quite the deal.”

Grant Mathis has been president of the explorers club since fall of 2017.

“I’m looking forward to the Lake Superior trip,” Mathis said. “I have been to the Black Hills and Rocky Mountain National Park previously with the club and I have enjoyed being president of the Explorers Club.”

Mathis said this trip will have many benefits for those attending.

“We get a chance to see things that we wouldn’t otherwise see or experience because it is so affordable,” Mathis said. “It is only $150 for this trip and all we have to pay for while we are there is our food. It is such a great educational opportunity.”

  • Photos by Julia Baxter, Photo Editor Dr. Randy Bertolas in his office

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