Rage against the dying of the light

Jacob Stewart, Columnist

I’ve got a six pack of Dos Equis in the fridge, and believe me, readers, with the state of mind I’m in, I’ve got the urge to crack them all open here and now. Double-fisting beverages is a minor league sport compared to this.

Three bottles in each hand, vicious chugging until I pass out, hopefully forgetting the fact that we live in a draconian state.

That’s right, we’re trapped in the new but far from improved America, with Big Brother and his sibling, little snitch, lurking around every corner.

Why am I in such an ugly state? Well, let me tell you, folks. It’s been spread across the headlines that the White House and the Central Intelligence Agency are teaming up to get a list of journalists across the country, making sure to jot down their political sympathies along the way just so that they know who is friendly and who is going into the back of black mini vans for “polite conversations.”

Perhaps I’m being a little extreme, but who knows. This administration has proven that morality isn’t a priority, and Orwellian terror isn’t just something that comes unexpectedly out of left field.

No, it’s something far too close to the realm of reality.

In other news, the Republicans are trying to warn people of what might happen in mid-term elections in November if the Democrats come out with a win in the House of Representatives. The goons are trying to paint the possibility of President Trump’s impeachment as nothing short of a coupe.

That’s right, readers, the GOP is desperate to keep their hold on the seat of power, and Trump’s cronies are going even a step further.

Sean Hannity, the president’s puppet at Fox News, even went so far to claim that if the president was impeached, we’d see the start of another civil war.

As FDR put it, “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.” From the looks of it, anyone currently associated with the president is trying to whip up another fear to make us all afraid of an America without Trump at its helm, but what they’ve forgotten is the simple fact that we have seen it, and we were better for it.

Our nation is far from what it once was, and all the progress of our previous administrations is being replaced by economic disputes and a military parade that belongs in Red Square rather than down Pennsylvania Avenue. Then again, there seems to be a close friendship between the two these days that makes it difficult to see the difference.

The light is fading, readers. America no longer stands as the beacon of hope, but as the ruin of democratic ideals.

Athens couldn’t stand against the imperialism of Macedon, the Roman Republic couldn’t resist the ambition of Caesar, and the French Revolutionaries couldn’t survive Robespierre’s madness. They’ve come and gone, and it seems like it’s our turn.