Students head to San Antonio, Texas
Stories of WSC students on Spring Break
March 14, 2018
Every rational Wayne State College Student looked forward to the week of March 4 for the same reason.
Spring break. A whole week off from classes to do whatever you wish. Some people work, some people travel and some people do absolutely nothing at all.
Yoselin Alvarez, WSC senior, travelled to San Antonio, Texas, along with WSC alumna Kelsey Backhaus to visit where their close friend Mikayla Campbell grew up.
The three went on the river walk, visited the Alamo, and went to a place downtown with a lot of small shops all on Wednesday, their first day there.
“We wanted to see the difference in a bigger city, and we also wanted to see where Mikayla grew up,” said Backhaus.
The three were in San Antonio from Wednesday morning until they departed to head back to Wayne on Sunday morning.
“We all had a lot of fun,” said Backhaus. “I think the most memorable part of the trip was going to Rustic. There was a live band and creative drinks that were different from what you see around here. The atmosphere was completely different, but it was so much fun.”
Alvarez enjoyed visiting the beach on their vacation.
“I liked going to the beach and relaxing,” said Alvarez. “Coming back to Wayne to be greeted with snow on the ground was not nearly as much fun as being on the beach was. I had a lot of fun and I am definitely going to miss Texas.”
The week off from classes is a week for opportunity and adventure, and these three seized the moment.