A study in humanity

Jacob Stewart, Columnist

Cold winds are returning, readers, and all I can say is that it has driven me to yet another state of madness. We’ll enjoy days of sunshine and warmth not meant for January, only to be slapped down by another round of snow and temps that drive us back inside to huddle next to the vents, capturing all the heat we can.

It takes a toll on a person, leaving them to eye everything with suspicion and cynicism, and I believe my pets are ready to have me committed for my deteriorating mental faculties.

Anyway, let’s try to avoid that scenario and get to something important.

Yes, something important—the Women’s March on Jan. 20, when Juno’s Legion took to the streets all across America, including our quiet home of Wayne. As a would-be journalist, I saw it as my responsibility to go and see what all this was about, and while the company here was much smaller than
that seen in Omaha, I was still in awe at the fortitude of those who took part—women and men, young and old—all taking to Main Street to fight for the betterment of our crippled Republic.

Alas, while I was moved by what I witnessed, it seems that the majority of our politicians are a lost cause as the right continue to serve as sycophants to our Tantrum in Chief, doing little to keep him from driving us to ruin.

Winter Storm Jaxon made it difficult to keep any sense of revolution alive, at least here on the plains, and now, even with the streets clear, I question when we’ll see the next march.

After all, the marches done through the snow are generally those of beaten men—Washington on his way to Valley Forge, Napoleon fleeing from Russia. Then again, this is just coming from a cynic who is moments away from being dragged to the nearest institution by his dogs.

All I can tell you is this, readers. We’re still at odds with the White House, as well as with a good chunk of the world.

People that we once considered allies have abandoned us, condemning a whole nation for the sins of a single man, and those who have been our enemies still maintain the muscle to bring our fears to fruition. One need only look at the Jan. 27 massacre in Kabul, when the Taliban killed at least 95 people with a bomb placed in an ambulance.

We’ve come so far as a species. We’ve harnessed fire, learned to fly and have even escaped beyond the stratosphere. Yet even after all of these centuries of existence, we still see far too many examples of horror. We’ve grown far too close to the essence of conflict that instead of embracing a sense of unity, there are still those who feel the need to gawk and insult those who take part in a women’s march.

One can only hope that after a few more centuries, we might actually learn something.