Take a walk in their shoes

  • There are 1,100 pairs of shoes in the display on WSC’s campus. These shoes represent the number of college students that commit suicide each year. Active Minds is trying to lower that number by spreading the message to seek help when it is needed.

  • There are 1,100 pairs of shoes in the display on WSC’s campus. These shoes represent the number of college students that commit suicide each year. Active Minds is trying to lower that number by spreading the message to seek help when it is needed.

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Julia Baxter, Staff Writer

“These are 1,100 pairs of shoes to represent the number of college students lost to suicide each year. Take a walk in their shoes. Start
talking. Spread hope. Let’s lower that number.”

Active Minds is a group on campus that is constantly striving not only to get people to start talking about mental illness, but also to
change the stigma that is associated with mental illnesses.

“We want you to be alive.”

This week the group has created a display called “Take a walk in their shoes” for the second consecutive year.

“Asking for help does NOT mean you are weak. It means you are strong and brave.”

The display includes 1,100 pairs of shoes to represent all of the students that lose their lives to suicide each year.

“Get help. Give help. Save a life.”

The display also included posters surrounding the shoes and posted on trees standing within the display.

“Text Hello to 741-741 crisis text line.”

Some of the posters offer quotes stating that no one deserves to be in such a state that they truly believe that the only way out is death.

“Get the help you deserve.”

Others offer different phone numbers to text or call for help.

“Call 877-595-3902 for help.”

In the end, the message of the display is clear.

“Never be afraid to ask for help.”