A senseless act of violence

Justin Yost, Editorial Writer

Monday morning we all woke up to the tragic news that the deadliest mass shooting in modern history had just taken place at a concert in Las Vegas. Unfortunately this is not the first time I have heard this in my lifetime.

A domestic terrorist, and that is exactly what he is, opened fire from a window overlooking the Route 91 Harvest Festival, killing at least 59 people and injuring over 500 more. Just last year we had, at the time, the largest mass shooting in American history in the Orlando night club shooting. Mass shootings are starting to be the norm in America, and it really is scary.

I have had the great opportunity to go to more concerts this past summer than I had my entire life. They are a place to escape the hustle of everyday life and just enjoy one night surrounded by hundreds of people who are just trying to do the same thing you are. You shouldn’t have to be scared to be in a place you love.

Growing up in a small town in Iowa, I know guns are a way of life in the small town culture. My family relies on guns for hunting to provide for our family during the year. I get not wanting to get your guns taken away and I don’t think all guns should be taken away, but there comes a time when enough is enough. And that time has long
since passed, and still nothing has been done.

How many more times do we have to hear, “and this was the deadliest mass shooting in American history”? Isn’t once enough? I could go my whole life and never hear those words again except in a history book, but something tells me that won’t be the case.

Congress has done what they see fit, call for the flags to be half-staff and pray for the families. Are these things good? Some would say yes, but I don’t see your prayers giving blood to victims who need it to survive or taking the fully automatic weapon away from people who mean to do harm.

I’m not calling for guns to become completely illegal-that would be bad for my family-but even I can see something needs to change. I don’t have all the answers, I just hope the people we pay to find these answers will step up and protect their fellow human beings.