Top 10 party etiquette rules

Justin Yost, Columnist

Well, we are in our second week of school, and already I feel the need to write this column. My roommates and I had a party this last weekend, and we had two Xboxes as well as a lap-top stolen. Maybe some of us need a crash course or a refreshing of the rules of proper party etiquette that has been around since medieval times.

1. Let’s start off with the obvious one: don’t steal stuff. This one seems as though it should be easy, but apparently it isn’t. No one is going to have parties if you take everything they have.

2. Don’t drink and drive. Pretty basic and not hard to understand this rule. Have a DD to drive you around or call Wildcat Wheels, 402-375-7590. Nothing is worth your life. Wayne East really isn’t that far of a walk.

3. BYOB to the party. We are all poor college kids, we don’t have the money to fund your bad habit. You can do that on your own.

4. Don’t pass out with your shoes on. If you do pass out with your shoes on you are subject to funny things being drawn on your face with permanent marker. We have all seen this I don’t need to tell you what will be drawn.

5. Always have a wingman that is uglier than you, but still funny. This person needs to be someone you trust, though, as they can serve many other roles as well, like making sure you don’t pass out with your shoes on.

6. If there is a sock, tie or article of clothing on the door don’t come knocking unless there is a fight or the cops show up. We are all grownups here if you are going to take someone home at the end of the night, actually take them home. Don’t just go into someone
else’s room. Nobody needs or wants to see that.

7. If you are going to puke, do it in the toilet or outside. Your trusted friend from earlier should help you with this as well.

8. Say no to drama. Be respectful and take your drama away from the party. To be blunt no one cares about your drama.

9. If you didn’t take a selfie did it actually happen? This rule can be applied to every aspect of your life, but especially at a party.

10. Turn up or transfer. If you don’t hear this at least 10 times at a party you are at the wrong party.