Dead In The Water: I’m here to bury Caesar, rather than to honor him


Jacob Stewart, Columnist

The death of the Republic. That’s what we’re witnessing, readers.

Caesar made his way across the Rubicon, and behind him was his battle-hardened legion, marching in lockstep as they defied Roman law (a general bringing his troops into Italy was seen as an act of war against the Roman Republic).

Yes, here we are, the birth of a new America. And I must say, this baby has been hit with the so-called ugly stick more than once. Trump’s America—something straight out of a night of blackout drunkenness. Too harsh to believe, but all too real.

I wish I could find something positive in this man’s presidency, try to play the optimist, but I cannot. So far all that has happened is that we’ve descended further into the rabbit hole, and now madness is sinking in. And, as someone within the field of education, the concept of insanity has reached its apex now that we have seen Betsy DeVos become our secretary of Education.

With all of this in mind, I’m strongly considering taking the Bourbon Minority out onto the national stage. Sure, I know nothing about how to run a country, but looking at our current president, I may just have a chance. If not that, I might as well check myself into an asylum, and who knows, maybe I’ll get a padded cell right next to the American Dream, or maybe Lady Liberty.

A part of me wonders if this cynicism is just a product of too much sobriety, but when I see the morning news, I find myself doubting that.

We’re traveling at top speed down the low road, expectations have gone from high and hopeful to just the basic need for survival, and while Caesar’s crossing initiated a civil war that would tear apart the Roman Republic, at least Caesar was no fool.

Yes, readers, certainly this must be the death of the Republic, and who knows if we’ll ever see its rebirth. Then again, who knows if we truly deserve it? After all, we’re the bums who let this mess become what it is, and now it’s too late to get out of the passenger seat. At these speeds, anyone who got out now would be dead on impact.

As many of you know, I try to avoid politics, and as you can see in this column, there seems to be little coherence—just one cynical remark after another. But after everything that has happened from the end of 2016 to this very moment, I find it difficult to stand quietly while our fearless leader rambles on in pure nonsense.

As I said before, the Bourbon Minority might just have to enter the ugly world of national politics, and so, if any of you are as crazy as I am, you’re more than welcome.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and build a bomb shelter because apparently it’s not safe in Sweden, and if Sweden is facing troubles, our turn is certainly next (at least that’s what I’ve heard from our very own President Trump).