Will you be my Valentine?

Erika Schwartz, Staff Writer

Around the world, people celebrate Valentine’s Day in various forms. Across Europe lovers give each other keys intended to “unlock” the givers heart. Finland’s Feb. 14 is known as “Friends Day” and focuses on remembering friends. Some countries have banned the holiday, and celebrating it could end in severe punishment. Ironically, in Mexico, Valentine’s Day is known as the national day of mourning.
Here at WSC, in an effort to celebrate the heart-shaped holiday, students are invited to publish and express their love in The Wayne Stater.
If the students of WSC feel inclined to share their love and appreciation for themselves, those who surround them or even their significant other, submit a valentine to the Wayne Stater. Students, faculty or anyone who desires can send valentines to wstater@wsc.edu or tweet them @TheStater. The valentines will then be published in the next Stater, Feb. 15.
As Valentine’s Day quickly approaches, students around WSC’s campus may have mixed feelings about the heart-shaped holiday. Feb. 14 is a day that usually reminds single folks around the globe of their loneliness and solitude.
A day full of romance, sweethearts and heart-shaped chocolates. A day of sending flowers, cards and most of all: love. What’s not to love about a day celebrating love?
By participating in the Stater’s celebration, the day might be a bit more enjoyable for all. Send a valentine—to a mother, a sister, roommate, lover or someone who is simply a constant supporter—and find out what a little love can do.