New Pool?

Looking at the budget, doubtful the renovation will happen soon

Nate Neary, Staff Writer

The swimming pool in Rice Auditorium has been closed for several months and will remain closed for the foreseeable future.
Jeff Carstens, Dean of Students, said on Monday that with the looming budget cuts proposed by the governor’s office, the leaky pool will not have precedence over more urgent campus needs.
“The estimated cost to repair the leaks is $50,000,” Carstens said.
Carstens said that Gov. Ricketts’ proposal to reduce by 4 percent the current allocation to Nebraska State Colleges has delayed in any decision about the pool.
“A decision regarding whether or when to repair the pool will not be made until Wayne State knows what its current budget will be,” Carstens said.
There has been discussion that the pool area might be used for alternative activities, but he dispelled that rumor.
“There are no plans for alternative use of the area,” Carstens said.