Budget advisory task force appointed

Nathan Pearson, Staff Writer

With budget cuts coming for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 fiscal years, President Maryzs Rames has appointed a budget advisory task force consisting of Wayne State faculty, staff and students.
Rames appointed the task force members last Friday. The co-chairs of the task force will be Vice Presidents Steve Elliot and Angela Fredrickson.
The task force will also consist of the following faculty members: Dr. Tammy Evetovich (Dean of the School of Natural and Social Sciences), Josh Calkin (School of Arts and Humanities), Chuck Parker (School of business and Technology), Sara Walsh (School of Education and Counseling) and Chad Maas (School of Natural and Social Sciences).
Along with faculty, the following Wayne State staff members were also appointed: Jennifer Johnson (IT Specialist, professional staff member), Rebecca Siebrandt (director of Business Services, professional staff member), Duane Nelson (Maintenance Repair Worker III, support staff member) and Denise Mostek (Office Assistant IV, Support Staff Member).
Grace Black, a student in the School of Education and Counseling, will also be on the task force.
The task force’s job will be to look at options for spending and make recommendations for spending cuts in certain areas, according to Rames.
Ex-officio members Jeanette Berry, Jay Collier, John Dunning and Barb Meyer will serve as resources for the task force.
As Rames said earlier, any faculty or staff member may make recommendations to the task force. An online form can be filled out on ecampus, and can be found by clicking on the Budget Reductions Suggestion link under the Office Resources tab.
A printed form is also available on the G: drive under Wscdocuments_and_forms. The form can then be found under the College Relations tab. There is a “Budget Reductions Suggestions Spring 2017” PDF document that is available to print. Once suggestions have been filled in, the form may be deposited in the suggestion box in the mail room lobby of Hahn.
Rames also wanted to make the reminder that the 4 percent cut for the 2016-17 fiscal year and the 1.43 percent cut for the 2017-18 fiscal year are still the governor’s recommendations.