Bowling needs kids to keep on rolling

Emmalee Scheibe, Staff Writer

The Rolling Wildcats Bowling Club is looking to bring some new faces to USBC intercollegiate bowling competitions this year with 10 new members joining the team.

“I’ve personally been bowling for five years,” Megan Salem, a senior at WSC, said. “We’ve been a club since 2012.”

Salem is the president of the club.

The club takes experienced and non-experienced bowlers.

“I’ve been bowling for a year and a half and I am loving it,” senior and vice president of the club Jeff Brown said.

Competitions for bowling start in late October and run through February.

“We compete at Hastings and Morningside most often,” Salem said.

Practices are held at Wildcat Lanes in Wayne.

If you are interested in joining the Rolling Wildcats please contact the advisor, Renee Jacobsen, at or President Megan Salem at