WSC promotes healthy relationships

Janet Grado, Staff Writer

People have the capability to differentiate between what is good or bad. But in some aspects of people’s lives, this might become a gray area. This gray area may be romantic relationships, where things can get murky. Luckily, WSC held Healthy Relationships Week this past week.


Different departments of Wayne State College came together to create the various activities that were held to promote healthy relationships and what that exactly means.


The week started off by “Speed Friending,” which was held on Monday of last week, where different students could meet each other and make a new friend. On Tuesday, C.L. Lindsay was on campus to discuss diverse topics about sex and the law. Wednesday was a healthy relationships panel discussion during which Matt Weekley, the VP of Student Services, Regina Korth, campus nurse and Michelle Meyer, a WSC counselor, spoke and answered students’ questions about relationships. The week ended by having comedian Chloe Hilliard perform in Ramsey Theatre.


Last year, the campus also hosted a couple of activities dealing with healthy relationships. After these activities were held, a survey was emailed to students on their thoughts on the activities that were held and to give any suggestions. A suggestion was announcing the activities even more since some students didn’t hear about the program, which is what the campus focused on this year by using different ways to get the word out there.


Weekley originally came up with idea of hosting a Healthy Relationships Week, while Chris Dalaviras, the director of student activities and the Kanter Student Center, and Quinneka Lee, the director of Residence Life, really took off with the idea for this year.


“The main goal about this week was two things: Awareness and conversation. Awareness about the basic tips of healthy relationships and different services that are provided for students,” Weekley said.


One service that students may be unaware of is Title IX, which was originally passed in 1972.


“The title deals with the equality, where institutions must provide equality for all students. It protects students against relationship violence and harassment. There are processes in place that protect students’ fundamental rights,” Weekley said.


To learn about Title IX and the services provided, you can visit


With the gray areas in relationships and things that were learned during Healthy Relationships Week, here is a helpful tip on what a healthy relationships consists of.


“Respect, trust and communications are key attributes in a healthy relationship. But they are not easy to accomplish or maintain consistently. Relationships are work, but there are times when we’re tested by changes or circumstances,” said Meyer.