The last goodbye

Laura Anderson, Editor-in-Chief

As I sit here on a Tuesday night trying to write a goodbye column to you all, I realize that no one will truly care to read about this (myself included.)

I mean, Wayne State College, how do I love thee?

Let me count the ways.

Maybe I’m just being cynical here, but there aren’t a lot of ways I love you, Wayne State College. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the fact that I was awarded numerous scholarships and opportunities here, but I have been feeling rather jaded by your lack of love as of late. So, here it goes.

I hate the fact that this college doesn’t care about me or my education. My money is the only thing that this good ol’ establishment cares about. Maybe this is just my idealism shining through, but I just want an education where my professors genuinely care about fostering young minds (I know what you’re thinking, “Laura, you can’t generalize or group all professors together.”)

It has been my observation that the majority of my “bad” professors have tenure. I’m not sure if that is correlated or not, but, man, some of them just don’t care.

I feel like tenure is a way for some of them to slough off on their duties. When I want help to clear some things up on an assignment and I have a professor who is locked in their office Skyping people, how am I supposed to do the assignment correctly?

The answer is I didn’t do it right.

Another thing, how am I expected to go out into the workforce with the lack of advanced technology in the media (i.e. newspaper, radio and TV) courses? There are no Adobe classes geared toward the media students here. How am I supposed to slap together a paper (on a PC, not like other colleges that have Mac labs) when I don’t know the right program to use?

So, Wayne State, I’m just not ready for a relationship right now. I’ma bounce.